Firstly, thank you for your continued support; we could not do this without you! And, thank you for being so kind and welcoming to our family at A-1 Best Service, Obie, an amazing technician and friend. Obie has been with us more than a year and has received so many compliments from each of you! As a team, we hope to continue to exceed your expectations. If ever you have recommendations of improvements or things you’d like to see, please do not hesitate to let us know!

From our family to yours, wishing you a happy holiday season! 2020 was for sure a year for the books. One like we have never seen – ups and downs in the state of the world, economy, businesses both small and large, families, travel, you name it…

May 2021 bring to each of us joy and happiness!

We will operating on limited hours over the holiday break and mostly closed due to it being the slow season; yes, even Florida grass has dormant winter months.

We will resume normal business hours and availability come January 4th, 2021. See you in the new year!!